Student Agenda

 Appropriate Dress and Appearance
 Students must: 
  • be attentive to personal grooming and cleanliness;
  • arrive at school in seasonal clothes for both indoors and outdoors; 
  • wear age-appropriate attire that demonstrates modesty and respect for self and others and allows students to focus on learning;
  • wear clothing that is intact, non-revealing, modest age appropriate (eg. No inappropriate messages/pictures/racist content/ sexual content) and respectful; midriffs and shoulders covered (straps should be 3 finger width);
  • wear shirts, pants, skirts and shorts of reasonable length. Mid- thigh skirts; low-cut tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops and muscle shirts are not appropriate for school wear. Skirts and shorts should be the length of extended arms where fingers are in contact with fabric. Undergarments must be totally covered and pants are to be worn at the waist;
  • respect the Catholic learning environment at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School by wearing clothing that does not imply or contain violent, racist, profane, discriminatory or inappropriate suggestions;
  • wear indoor shoes at all times while in the school building(s);
  • remove hats, caps or other head coverings, as well as outerwear upon entering the school building(s); and
  • dress with “sun wise” recommendations in mind. This means wearing a hat, putting on sun screen and covering up. Our children are out in the yard during the day when the intensity of the sun is highest from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • be aware we discourage extremely tight fitting pants, leggings, yoga style pants and skinny jeans and if worn must be accompanied with a top/sweater of a modest length. 
  • All students from J.K. to Grade 8 are strongly encouraged to label all clothing, shoes, and personal items with their name or initials. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.

All Dress Code infractions will be addressed with discretion and respect. 

 Cell Phone
Students using cell phones (talking, texting receiving/sending messages, taking photos, making videos or checking message status) will have their phone confiscated and kept in the office until the end of that instructional day. If this action persists, parents will be notified to pick up their child’s cell phone. Subsequent infractions will result in progressive discipline which may lead to suspension. 
Pledge of Academic Honesty

Students of the Durham Catholic District School Board are instructed in faith and are taught to use the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations as the guiding principles for their moral, Christian, and academic development. 

Academic honesty, based on respect for others and oneself, is a fundamental value in Catholic schools. Catholic educators are expected to teach students about the definitions of plagiarism and cheating and about measures they must take as responsible and self-regulating learners to avoid academic dishonesty.  

Students are expected to: 

  • Submit work, including tests and exams, consisting of their own ideas, expressed in their own words. 
  • Demonstrate respect for the ideas of others by acknowledging the sources they use in appropriate ways. 
  • Take responsibility for completing work on time and seek additional time or assistance when needed. 
  • Failure to meet these expectations may result in a variety of consequences, one of which could include a mark of zero. 
 School Code of Conduct
 Please click here to read the Code of Conduct